My wonderful plans of entering the blog world apparently hit the fan. When you start a blog and succeed in writing one blog post before taking a 3 year break, you realize there is the potential you weren't created for it. However, when you decide to randomly re-read your one post (to see how funny you were of course) and a stranger has commented on it, you immediately convince yourself that you have deprived the bloggers of the world for way too long. So I am happy to announce that I'm giving it another go. Two jobs, two houses, and a husband later, and I'm ready to make up for 'The Lost Years'.
I dedicate this to my wonderful friend who is still fighting the battle known as know who you are. I don't know if this is just a girl thing or not, but every once in a while I just need a good cry. God made the tear duct so I could release my feelings, right? As girls, there is no telling what will set us off. It could be a song on the radio, a wonderful book, a dead animal on the side of the road (not really me...i'm not much of an animal lover), or in this case, a movie. It was my first November after graduation and I had invited the fearless kinder teacher over for dinner. We did this a few nights a week just to keep ourselves sane. Anyway, the menu for the evening was tacos. I'm sure most sophisticated families use paper or cloth napkins when eating. But for some reason we never seemed to have those on hand growing up, so it was always a tea towel. So in traditional family style, we were both sitting on the couch with our tacos, tea towels, and AB...
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